Thursday, September 15, 2011

09/15/2011-First Letter from MTC in Peru

Hola Familia!
Its all spanish from here on out! Except when im emailing of course. I aplogize for no punctuation and capitalization. this computer is weird.

Well, it was super fun to hear from you at the airport. Its weird that I wont be able to talk til Christmas. esta bien porgue estoy aqui en Lima ahora!!
Its very good to hear that all is well! WYWY seems like he is huge the way that you talk about him. Im sure he is. Love him.

Let me tell you a little bit about my travel day and also about here. I had some great experiences and funny things happen. We got on our flight to Alanta and I basically slept the whole way. I was able to catch up on some sleep which was great.. We got to Altanta, chatted on the plhone and then got on the plane. There were about 25 of us on this flight and another 15 on another flight..we met up with them in lima. but I sat next to a bishop from farmington, he was on my left, and then a drunk from rhode island. The contrast was great! ha! But the guy from Rhode Island ordered 4 vodkas and passed out for the last 4 hours of the flight. with a Bishop on my left, and Reggie passed out on my right, my missionary opportunities were limited. I think that was the Lords way of telling me that I still have a ways to go before Im ready to teach. We got 2 meals on the plane which were fantastic. And luckily, my bowels and body cooperated so I didnt have to disturb the bishop or the other guy the whole flight. I got a lot of study done and about an hour of shuteye. it was an ok flight.

We got to lima, had to pass through the passport customs place. That was an adventure with such limited spanish. The officials were pretty easy going and i caught of few things that they said that i thought were pretty funny. one of them said, what are they all doing here? another one said, Son misioneros! Esta limpia, or somthing like that which means theyre clean. so he stamped my passport and let us through. it was great. We got our luggage and made our way to the place where everyone goes to pick up people. There was a guy with a sign that said CCM. He looked nothing like a member or a worker from the CCM so we were a little sketch going with him. We went outside and it was MAYHEM! south america driving is like watching someone play mario kart! its hilarious. We got on the busses and headed. You would think that the bus drivers would be better drivers, but theyre not. They were worse! They are in these huge coaches, swerving, coming within honestly 2 inches of other cars. We came to a red light and a guy got out of a little truck and came up the bus window and started banging on the drivers window. I guess our driver cut him off or something it was one of the best things ive ever seen. So we got to the ccm and it is super nice here. We got here at like 1 am and got our rooms, info and they basically told us to just go to bed. We got undressed and went to bed. My comp, who i didnt know cuz he was snoozing, was grinding his teeth all night. But i slep great til 6. woke up and met my compaƱero. He is a tall, skinny, smiling Jose! His name is elder mamani and i can tell we are going to have a blast. He was very patient with my spanish and very chill. He loves soccer which is a given but we talked about it for a while. I wish i would have played more fifa so that i knew more soccer players other than Landon donovan. haha Any way he is a good guy. The natives, including my compenero just got here yesterday so were basically in the same boat. We had breakfast, and got all of our passports and info to the office and then got a haircut. Straight up military buzz! SUPER short on the sides and longer on the top. I look like a doof but its all good. We met with the ccm president and he is Great! he knows president ghent and speaks highly of my mission and him. It was nice to meet him..

Any way, running to lunch now. There are a lot of cool elders that came with me and i already feel like ive made some really good friends. Im loving it and even with it being super strict, probably twice as strict as the provo mtc, i think im going to love it. Its very nice here, the food is good, the water is safe, the people are great and the gospel is true! what else do you need!?
No packages. Pouch mail. The address is:

Elder Jeremiah Burr
Lima Peru MTC
P.O. Box 30150
Salt lake City Utah 84130

only 2 8x11 pieces of paper, no envelopes. im not quite sure on the envelope deal so youll have to check that out.

Send the fam my love! Wish i had time to write all of you! sorry. Tear it up tomorrow Josh. Go cougs! Te amo!

Elder Burr (or as the natives say, elder boor.)

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